The Glory of God


Psalm 19

  1. "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
  2. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.
  3. There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard.
  4. Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun,
  5. which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy.
  6. Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them, and there is nothing hidden from its heat.
  7. The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;
  8. the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;
  9. the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether.
  10. More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.
  11. Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.
  12. Who can discern his errors? Declare me innocent from hidden faults.
  13. Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me! Then I shall be blameless, and innocent of great transgression.
  14. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer."
Psalm 19

The beauty of nature and God's teachings

Be in awe at the natural world to live a rich life with unexpected blessings. Looking beyond ourselves, whether to the heavens above or to the wisdom of scripture, can lead to profound personal transformation and joy.

Be in awe at how the sky and stars silently shout about God's greatness. If we pay attention, our faith can help us see and cherish God's presence and grandness everywhere in nature. Discovering this on our own is a special gift, enriching our understanding of our world and our role in it.

God's perfect teachings refresh our spirits, grant wisdom to the simplest minds, and fill our hearts with happiness. We're guided on a righteous path when we embrace God's rules and try to live by them. Putting our trust in God brings us unexpected joys, peace of mind, clear morals, and a sense of purpose.

God's perfect teachings refresh our spirits, grant wisdom to the simplest minds, and fill our hearts with happiness. We're guided on a righteous path when we embrace God's rules and try to live by them. Putting our trust in God brings us unexpected joys, peace of mind, clear morals, and a sense of purpose.

Let Faith guide you to unexpected blessings

24 products

Psalm 19

Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19
Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19
Vendor: Inspired Faith

Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19

Regular price $29.99 USD Sale price $29.99 USD
Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19
Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19
Vendor: Inspired Faith

Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19

Regular price $29.99 USD Sale price $29.99 USD
Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19
Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19
Vendor: Inspired Faith

Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19

Regular price $29.99 USD Sale price $29.99 USD
Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19
Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19
Vendor: Inspired Faith

Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19

Regular price $29.99 USD Sale price $29.99 USD
Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19
Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19
Vendor: Inspired Faith

Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19

Regular price $29.99 USD Sale price $29.99 USD
Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19
Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19
Vendor: Inspired Faith

Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19

Regular price $29.99 USD Sale price $29.99 USD
Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19
Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19
Vendor: Inspired Faith

Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19

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Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19
Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19
Vendor: Inspired Faith

Hardcover bound notebook - Psalm 19

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iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
Vendor: Inspired Faith

iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1

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iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
Vendor: Inspired Faith

iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1

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iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
Vendor: Inspired Faith

iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1

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iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
Vendor: Inspired Faith

iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1

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iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
Vendor: Inspired Faith

iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1

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iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
Vendor: Inspired Faith

iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1

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iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
Vendor: Inspired Faith

iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1

Regular price $45.99 USD Sale price $45.99 USD
iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
Vendor: Inspired Faith

iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1

Regular price $45.99 USD Sale price $45.99 USD
iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
Vendor: Inspired Faith

iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1

Regular price $45.99 USD Sale price $45.99 USD
iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
Vendor: Inspired Faith

iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1

Regular price $45.99 USD Sale price $45.99 USD
iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
Vendor: Inspired Faith

iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1

Regular price $45.99 USD Sale price $45.99 USD
iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1
Vendor: Inspired Faith

iPhone Case - Psalm 19:1

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White glossy mug - Psalm 19
White glossy mug - Psalm 19
Vendor: Inspired Faith

White glossy mug - Psalm 19

Regular price $35.99 USD Sale price $35.99 USD
White glossy mug - Psalm 19
White glossy mug - Psalm 19
Vendor: Inspired Faith

White glossy mug - Psalm 19

Regular price $35.99 USD Sale price $35.99 USD
White glossy mug - Psalm 19
White glossy mug - Psalm 19
Vendor: Inspired Faith

White glossy mug - Psalm 19

Regular price $35.99 USD Sale price $35.99 USD
White glossy mug - Psalm 19
White glossy mug - Psalm 19
Vendor: Inspired Faith

White glossy mug - Psalm 19

Regular price $35.99 USD Sale price $35.99 USD